Beth, current community member

"Cascade is a safe and loving environment that is contemplative in nature. I encourage others to join Cascadia if they feel an internal stirring to learn and grow spiritually in a community where they invite being stretched and expanded in awareness, wisdom, and knowledge. A mentor mentioned this image recently, & it comes to mind when I think of Cascadia. It is the image of raindrops falling into a pond & causing a ripple effect. We are all held by the pond and all contribute to the pond, and our individual raindrops (contributions) impact each other and the world in a positive way.”

Beth, Current Community Member

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Joseph Wong
~DJ, Cascadia community member

“ For me, Cascadia is a community in the truest sense of the word: fellow sojourners who support, allow, and invite the transformation of heart and soul. It is a cohort of companions who meet you in the joy, pain, exhilaration and ennui of life. It has been an opportunity to know more fully and drink more deeply of heart-full living.”

DJ, Community Member

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Joseph Wong
~James, community member

“Cascadia has been a safe space to explore our true and false self and to become more conscious of attachments that distort and obscure our essential identity of union with Christ. In community we’ve journeyed the path of descent, learning to live with a heart posture of radical trust and rest.

Being introduced to new practices has helped me engage God in the midst of daily life and to experience the Spirit’s liberating, empowering and transformative Presence.

Learning to perceive life through the eyes of God, and responding to the Spirit’s invitations, has been restorative to my humanity and opened my heart to an ever expanding love. I’m grateful for how Life has begun to flow in new ways.”

James, Community Member

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Joseph Wong

“Cascadia is a community of safety and sharing. It aligns well with the perennial tradition - a tradition which includes 'there is a Divine Reality underneath and inherent in the world of things; there is in the human soul a natural capacity, similarity and longing for this Divine Reality; the final goal of existence is union with this Divine Reality’ (Rohr). Cascadia provides the opportunity to be accepted, to learn and to grow in the Divine longing of the heart. Within the conversations, readings, Zoom meetings and teachings, a reductionistic 'how to' manual is not presented. Rather, it is a community where nudging, teaching and encouragement is offered and we are learning to develop presence in the moment as a doorway towards Awareness which when coupled with surrender fosters a journey of transformation.”

Vicki, Community Member

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Joseph Wong
~Vicki, member

"Cascadia offers nudging, teaching & encouragement towards development of presence as a doorway towards Awareness & Surrender, thus fostering a journey of transformation."

Vicki, Member

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Joseph Wong
Deb (Copy)

“Even though I was immersed and accepted in a mainstream religion, I was uncomfortable and searching. I felt like a misfit. I knew my beliefs no longer fit the container of any religion. I came to Cascadia searching for a place where I could be honest, openly pursue the sacred and be encouraged toward awakening & spiritual growth. I longed for a place where the contemplative lifestyle was valued. Coming to Cascadia felt like coming home. On this journey we call Cascadia, I walk with individuals from different faiths & values and yet, we move together toward the Transcendent One – toward openness, vulnerability and Love. We honor and encourage each other. If you are looking for a safe place to explore spiritual growth, I highly recommend you try Cascadia.”

Deb, Community Member

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Joseph Wong
~Tom, community member

“What journey would you take if it was available to you? Swiss Alps? Honolulu? The Australian outback? The Far East? Depends what one is looking for, I suppose… but if it’s wisdom, then I’d invite you to start with Cascadia. This experience has allowed me to embody wisdom in the most profound ways, giving rise and expansion of consciousness. Achingly beautiful, challenging, and very real, one’s life begins to be shaped by the movement of seeing God in the world and in everything that is created. Truly, this is life-changing through and through.”

Tom, Community Member

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Joseph Wong

"I longed for a place where a contemplative lifestyle is valued. Cascadia felt like coming home-here I can openly pursue the sacred & am encouraged toward growth."

Deb, Community Member

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Joseph Wong