This AND That: Pondering Polarities as a Doorway to Hidden Wisdom

This AND That: Pondering Polarities as a Doorway to Hidden Wisdom


“Everything in existence has both a ‘this’ and a ‘that.’ Wholeness and wisdom require ‘this and that’ perception—not either/or but both/and.”

David's newest book of ponderings provides a profound demonstration of the fact that how we see determines what we see. In his trademark style of thoughtful but accessible engagement with issues at the intersection of spirituality, psychology and science, This AND That offers the author’s ponderings on the seeming opposition of categories of human experience such as separateness and oneness, truth and untruth, and life and death, while focusing on the wisdom that is hidden at the heart of each polarity.

Binary classifications and dualistic thinking give us a sense of certainty and security in the face of the shades of grey that dominate the canvas of life. The problem, however, is that the maps of reality that arise from dualistic thinking massively simplify and distort what truly is.

This book explores these matters, not in a philosophical or theological manner, but by gently pondering the tension of the middle ground out of which synthesis emerges. Drawing together insights from the perennial wisdom tradition, depth psychology; and science, the focus is on the spiritual implications of how we respond to the polarities of life. The goal is not to enlarge understanding but to shift how we look at our lives and the world. “Both/and” perception is the wisdom way of knowing and living.
